Our values
Our values are based on 4 principles : freedom, team spirit, awareness and rigourousness
4 core values
The values that guide us as individuals and as a company are freedom, team spirit, awareness and aiming for higher standards, both for ourselves and at the core of every single project we are involved in.
These 4 values combined are what direct and mark the directions we take. But above all, they nourish us.
is the building block on which Look Sharp was founded, with the idea that we take the directions we think are right for all the parties, the client, of course, but also for us as individuals and as a company, and for our stakeholders, with passion, without concession.
It is important as it infuses fair communication and fair business. This freedom widely nourishes our ambition to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves and take initiatives with the ambition to create higher shared results.
On a day-to-day basis, this translates into empowerment for everyone to cultivate a network and being open to new relationships in order to build trust in a transparent working environment with and for all parties.
Respecting individualities while encouraging shared initiatives nourishes the soil of collective success, and vice-versa!
At Look Sharp, we say thank you, we say congratulations, we show solidarity, we keep each other warm inside, and we are sure that this is felt outside. Our mantra since the beginning: #LoveQuoi! (#Love,Yeah!).
Team spirit
is at the heart of what we want for Look Sharp, simply because each of us brings so much more than a sum of talented individuals.
This means facing challenges with humility and accepting their complexities, always searching for the source of information, while being transparent about what we think, know and what we are still processing.
This is an ongoing and healthy learning curve, which consists in opening up to others and to new domains and evolving topics, with honesty and the willingness to share both our knowledge as well as our doubts.
At Look Sharp, we chose to see the glass as half full, but we are not naive! the condition for this awareness is obviously the search for relevant and verified information. We will never stop learning, which is good news!
We try to do this with humility and caring. This implies trust, autonomy, responsibility and encouragement from each other.
We are demanding for ourselves, and for those who trust us to relay their messages. We see ourselves as having corporate citizenship principles.
Aiming for higher standards is what makes us proud of our work, of our coworkers and, as always, of our clients!
Higher standards
are at the heart of everything we do. This means being constantly curious and aiming at giving the best of ourselves, never yielding to easy or comfortable answers and solutions, neither for ourselves, nor clients, journalists or the entire ecosystem.
Does that reflect your values?
Just as our clients choose us for our skills and experience but also, we hope, for the values we carry, we choose our clients for the quality of their projects and their sincerity. This is what allows us to keep the freedom we cherish so much.